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Bio-identical Hormones

Conventional medicine has always held the belief that aging is inevitable and that progressive deterioration cannot be altered. Fortunately, there is an exciting revolution in science and medicine that identifies aging as a disease. We are now entering a new era in mainstream medicine that focuses on the prevention of the aging process rather than simply the treatment of the aging symptoms. One of the most important preventative therapies in this new paradigm of care is hormone supplementation. Because many physicians assume that age related hormonal declines are natural, the medicial community as a whole has been very slow to offer hormone replacement therapy. However, researchers from around the world have now shown that a hormonal deficiency associated with aging is no different from that of a younger person with a hormonal imbalance, and should be treated as deftly and as quickly as other hormone related complications and diseases



We replace using Bio-identical hormones with the BioTe Method. For complete information regarding the program please click on the links below: (informative videos)

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