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Weight Loss

Our team uses Methionine Inositol Choline (MIC) Injections to specifically target fatty deposits to trigger a release of fat throughout the body. The MIC injections, more commonly referred to as Lipo Injections, include numerous fat burning substances such as: choline, a distributor of cholesterol preventing build up in singular sections of the body; and inositol, which assists the liver in burning fat. Additionally, vitamin B-12 is administered along with the Lipo Injections prompting metabolic activity to intensify and the overall effect of the injections to positively increase. Lipo Injections may be dispensed up to twice a week.

     Along with the Lipo Injections we strongly recommend a 1200-1500 daily caloric intake. This will increase your chances of meeting your weight loss goals. We do have products available in the form of shakes and protein bars specifically formulated by Center for Medical Weight Loss ; these products are available through our office. 

Lipo Injection Pricing

Single Injection : $40

Package of 10: $350

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